可是他却连TCGA的数据是怎么来的都不知道,TCGA发了几十篇CNS大文章(自己测序的)了,每篇文章都有几百个左右的癌症样本的6种数据,这几年凑成了一万多个样本,都放在GDC里面可以根据权限下载。同时也出来了十几篇TCGA的数据挖掘大文章(主要包括亚型,driver mutation,假基因等新型研究领域)
其实稍微仔细浏览几篇文章就明白了,套路也是存在的,https://tcga-data.nci.nih.gov/docs/publications/ (本人已经写爬虫把所有TCGA在CNS的大文章的PDF及附件全部下载,请后台回复TCGA大文章获取!)
我们就以2013年发表在新英格兰杂志上面的Genomic and Epigenomic Landscapes of Adult De Novo Acute Myeloid Leukemia 为例子吧!
研究的是acute myeloid leukemia (AML),在医院花个十年时间精心挑选了200 adults with de novo AML ,当然病人详细信息是要给的,还要符合伦理,签知情协议书吧。
We performed whole-genome sequencing of the primary tumor and matched normal skin samples from 50 patients (with data from 24 of these patients reported previously17) and exome capture and sequencing for another 150 paired samples of AML tumor and skin (see Table S3 in the Supplementary Appendix for coverage data for the 200 samples).
We performed RNA-expression profiling on the Affymetrix U133 Plus 2 platform for 197 samples, RNA sequencing for 179 samples, microRNA (miRNA) sequencing for 194 samples, Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip profiling for 192 samples, and Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0 for both tumor and normal skin samples from all 200 patients.
Data sets were not completed for all samples on all platforms because of assay failures and availability and quality issues for some samples. The complete list of data sets is provided in Table S4 in the Supplementary Appendix. All data sets are available through the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data portal (https://tcga-data.nci.nih.gov/tcga).
虽然在TCGA中直接下载数据的方法较为繁琐,但是有多个网站提供TCGA数据(包括表达和临床等)完善的整理:GDAC, Cancer Browser和cBioportal是其中整理最为完整和可靠的。GDAC由美国MIT和Harvard共建的Broadinstitute运行,UCSC运行着Cancer Browser 和Xena, cBioportal由MemorialSloan-Kettering Cancer Cente建立,提供较为完善的TCGA数据为基础的各类信息检索服务。
Values for disease include "ACC", "BLCA", "BRCA", "CESC", "CHOL", "COAD", "COADREAD", "DLBC", "ESCA", "FPPP", "GBM", "GBMLGG", "HNSC", "KICH", "KIPAN", "KIRC", "KIRP", "LAML", "LGG", "LIHC", "LUAD", "LUSC", "MESO", "OV", "PAAD", "PCPG", "PRAD", "READ", "SARC", "SKCM", "STAD", "TGCT", "THCA", "THYM", "UCEC", "UCS", and "UVM".
数据类型有:"RNASeq2", "RNASeq", "miRNASeq", "CNA_SNP", "CNV_SNP", "CNA_CGH", "Methylation", "Mutation", "mRNA_Array", and "miRNA_Array".
The type parameter should only be used along with these data.type parameters:
• RNASeq - "count" for raw read counts (default);"RPKM" for normalized read counts (reads per kilobase per million mapped reads).
• miRNASeq - "count" for raw read counts (default); "rpmmm" for normalized read counts.
• Mutation - "somatic" for non-silent somatic mutations (default); "all" for all mutations. • Methylation - "27K" platform (default); "450K" platform. • CNA_CGH - "415K" for CGH Custom Microarray 2x415K (default); "244A" for CGH Microarray.
• mRNA_Array - "G450" for Agilent 244K Custom Gene Expression G4502A (default); "U133" for Affymetrix Human Genome U133A 2.0 Array; "Huex" for Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST Array.
The Level III RNA-Seq, miRNA-Seq, mRNA-array, and miRNA-array data imported are at gene level, but not the mutation, copy number alterations/variation (CNA/CNV), and methylation data.